Hi, I'm UniQMG! /* About me */ I joined tilde.club on Sep 20 2019. I enjoy programming and finding cool things to explore on the internet. I also tend to overuse obnoxious css, as you can see. /* Why I joined tilde.club */ I find the old internet a fascinating subject:- No enforced identity, possible anonymity. Unintrusive hand-crafted advertising and no tracking.
- Actual servers to explore, not just a massive social media website run on an abstract machine in the cloud.
- Flash games! flash is kinda dead now, but you can make great js games now.
- Tight-knit internet communities
- Original memes 👌
- Javascript ==========
- HTML ==========
- CSS ==========
- Java ==========
- Typescript ==========
- GLSL ==========
- Lua ==========
- C# ==========
- Python ==========
- Rust ==========

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