~~~~this is toph's tilde.club page~~~~
I attended Bowdoin College, live in New York, and work for bizweekgraphics w/ ~dylan. Find me on twitter at @tophtucker. How long will it take my ice cream to melt?
A iframe stream of recently updated tilde.club pages
- 1412092187: just setting up my tilde
- 1412103857: are there thinkpieces yet? i will say it makes me think
- 1412114994: TODO: Build a social network inside of tilde.club; cf. https://thp.io/2008/urlwatch/ and ~danielbachhuber's JSON api http://tilde.club/~danielbachhuber/club-sites.json
- 1412176332: Added a iframe river (thanks to ~delfuego)!! Also fork me on Github
- 1412179128: buddy ~dylan's in! i asked him link to me and he hesitated :(

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