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~~About Me~~
What sinister atoms can there be in the human brain that delight
in twisting and torturing and magnifying the errors of their kind?
--Mark Sibley Severance
My life in platforms
- TRS-80: first computer programming experience
- Apple ][e: first home computer. I was never that patient with typing in programs from magazines, but I gave it a whirl.
- UTK VAXcluster: first shared computing experience
- Sun SPARCstation ELC (pickup): workstation at my first job in industry, supporting compilers and debuggers, and on rare occasions editing object files by hand. (Don't do this.)
My life in web pages
I believe that this is the first web page that I have made for myself, as a person. You may ask me, why start now? Why is there something instead of nothing? Well, let's have a conversation.

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