Things to See Here Later:
Discussion about music.
Short pages dedicated to things I enjoy.
Whatever I manage to think of.
About Me:
I'm going to keep things brief for now. I like playing Source Engine multiplayer games, I like reading, I like browsing Usenet and several imageboards, and I love music. You can often find me lurking on ##chat on the Liberachat server.
Examples of Bands That I Enjoy:
Neutral Milk Hotel
The Beach Boys
The Olivia Tremor Control
The Apples In Stereo
Examples of Games That I Enjoy:
Fallout: New Vegas
Fortress Forever
Wolfenstein 3D
Spoons are a pasttime beloved amongst all generations of web-animation.

"Ding Dang whoo! Ding and a ding dong!"
-Brian Wilson, 1977