Hi. You might be wondering who I am. Of course, I am simply just another guy on the internet. This is my landing page. Hovering over the gray bar on the left, you will find the rest of the pages to access on this website. Enjoy!
About me:
I am a teenager that's currently learning to code. I'm fluent in Python and Java. I am learning HTML and CSS, as a part of a frontend web development endeavour. However, my main focus is on C++ after Java, since C++ is a popular and powerful language.
Currently working with:
Other technologies / environments / tools I am familiar with include:

Here, you can find links to all my websites and online displays that I have made.
Main WebsiteMirror Website (surge)
Mirror Website (netlify)
Mirror Website (vercel)
Mirror Website (fleek)
Gemini Protocol blog -- You'll need a special web client to access this blog since it is not hosted on HTTPS://