Mike English
- Mike English
Tilde Club, ~englishm
The World-Wide Web
The Internet
- mike.english@gmail.com
- +1 616-723-0277 (voicemail), +1 616-723-0277 (fax)
Some things on tilde.club that I like:
Other pages on the world-wide web
- Check out this thing that J.P. Barlow wrote: A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
- Did you know about UGT? (Thanks, whitequark!)
- Also, you should know that Business Pogs are a thing you can buy. (I wonder if I can get a referal code...)
- I recently learned that ~ has special significance to SSH, too! It's an escape character that let's you access additional features while connected. Cool!
- "..soon found myself wandering aimlessly along the interwoven strands of the Web, listlessly clicking on links, circling in the near vicinity of CERN..." - Gary Wolf in Wired (1994) via ~danbri
- "The act of breaking into a computer system has to have the same social stigma as breaking into a neighbor's house. It should not matter that the neighbor's door is unlocked." - Ken Thompson, Reflections on Trusting Trust.
- Twttr - Twttr is kind of a "group send" SMS service. I have the username '@gazoombo' there, but I might change it someday. (Do I know anyone at Twttr who could help with that?)
- The source for this site is now available as a gzipped tape archive ("tarball").
I have registered my own domain name, too: mikeenglish.net
- I'm also helping to start a community at tilde.town
- A window into tilde.town life:

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Fiddled: September 2014 to add hyperlinks;
October 2014 to add badge, webring, more hyperlinks;